Some Sales Ending Today – Dorothy Perkins and Kiko Milano

Happy Weekend Lovelies!

Seems another summer has flown by, come Monday it’ll be September the first which is officially Autumn I’d say. While I don’t actually like the heat (hate it, to be honest!) I do really love the longer days and I always miss it when the days start getting shorter again *le sigh*. The one good thing about summer leaving though is the end of summer sales (now also officially winding down!) and amazing Autumn lines coming out, I probably love Autumn clothes over anything else!

First up, we have Dorothy Perkins’ Final Clearance, ending midnight today.

Final Clearances are always a bit of a hit and miss with me, on the one hand sometimes things are left there for a reason, and also it’s nigh impossible to find your size and it’s always about whether you’re lucky enough to have the item you want in the size you need it to be. But on the flip side, you get amazing discount perks, such as the extra 15% off that DP are adding to everything in their final clearance, which is amazing! If you fancy your chances at finding a steal, have a rummage through their sale here.

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Kiko Sale – 20% Off Code

Hello All!

Right, I hate to be an enabler so here’s a heads-up before you read this post: don’t let a sale or offer sucker you into buying anything you didn’t want to buy in the first place! So, if you’re the type to easily get tempted by sales/offers, maybe first read my post on How to Shop Sales Smart and write up your own wishlist before you start browsing the sales 😉 Right, now that that’s out of the way, I’m here to flag up an amazing sale offer on Kiko Milano’s online store, with 20% discount codes until May 11th!


There’re 3 voucher codes available that will give you 20% off either make-up, skincare or accessories (by accessories they don’t mean jewellery, they mean things like make-up brushes, brush cleansers, brush holders, etc.etc.). That’s pretty amazing because that means, if you shop smart, you’ll basically get 20% off your entire purchase!

The last time Kiko did a deal like this was back in February for a Valentine’s Day offer and I just missed it >_< since then I’ve been sort of holding off on all kinds of Kiko purchases just waiting for the discount to roll around again. Now it has, hurrah!

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Kiko Milano on Regent’s Street

Hi Everyone!

So, it’s been quite awhile since I did my post on the Kiko that was due to open on Regent’s Street (see that post here) how time flies – that Kiko branch has actually been open for over a month now???

Sad to say, I didn’t have time to dash down there the minute it opened (I think I wasn’t even in UK then) but I squeezed in some time while waiting for a dinner appointment last week to duck into the store to snap a few pictures and do up a quick review and here it is 😉

First of all, I’ve got to apologise for some of the blurry pictures. I was in a bit of a rush and didn’t realise how terrible some were! Also, despite it being a weekday evening there was a surprising number of people in there and I did get jolted around a bit… hope these give you an idea of what the store’s like anyway if you were pondering over whether you should pop in or not.

Kiko Outside

It’s finally open, no more ‘coming soon’ signboards!

It’s so lovely to see the exterior all up and going! You can’t tell from the picture but it’s an impressive display of constantly moving multimedia, just really encapsulates Kiko in my mind… because they have such a vast and vibrant selection of colours and even their storefront feels the same.

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Kiko Milano opening on Regent Street + SALE now on


UPDATED UPDATE: For all you loyal followers and eager fans, as of this weekend the Kiko Milano on Regents Street is officially OPEN!!! =D what are you waiting for? 😉

UPDATE: For those interested in the KIKO opening on Regent Street, keeping watching this space, I’ll update when the store is officially OPEN =D


Happy Monday everyone!

So, Monday means a new week (how time does fly) and speaking of new things, I spotted something new on Regent’s Street this weekend! The Coast store that’s right next to Tezeni’s on Regent’s street was gone (although the ‘COAST’ letters were still up, they’ll probably change that later’) and instead there was this:   Kiko Milano Apologies for the slightly unclear images, and also apologies to the tourists who got caught in the picture. If anyone else has ever tried to get a clear, people-free picture on Regent’s street on a weekend in summer (the height of tourist season) you’ll know how Mission-Impossible that is. Anyway, as you can see, Kiko Milano makeup is finally opening on Regent’s Street!!

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