Amazing Christmas Beauty Box Deal

Hello Lovelies!

Christmas is inching ever closer, it’s finally December and those of you with Advent Calendars must be rejoicing as you finally get to start opening those exciting little drawers.

Ultimate Beauty Christmas Gift!

I spotted an amazing beauty box deal on IWantOneofThose, a site full of random, quirky and fun gifting ideas. To be honest I didn’t realise they did much beauty things but this is the second time I’ve spotted a beauty box deal on their site and they tend to team up with existing beauty box companies offer the old boxes on a deal, usually 3 for 2, which is a great bargain! The ones on offer this time is the Look Fantastic beauty boxes, the Christmas 2015 series which, if you weren’t aware, runs October, November and finally December.

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The British Beauty Blogger Dream Box 4!

Hey guys!

Just a quick, cheeky post on a Sunday morning to alert you to the fact that the amazing British Beauty Blogger’s has justĀ released yet another of her wonderful bi-annual beauty boxes, packed full of the best and latest skincare and makeup which include both high-end and also budget picks. These always sell out FAST and I’m never been so thankful for the fact that I wake up early on a Sunday to go to church, otherwise being the lie-in-lover I am I would never have spotted this on a weekend morning!

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Image from

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My Little Short-Haul Flight Beauty Bag

Hello All!

Hope everyone had a lovely and chocolate-y Easter! One of my top bargain tips is to get your Easter chocolate and eggs AFTER Easter Sunday, so right now, as everything’s now on OFFER šŸ˜‰ so if you haven’t had an egg yet now’s the time to treat yourselves!

I’ve had a great weekend away in York at my church’s annual Easter camp, we’re a tiny little church but we’ve loads of branches scattered about UK so we all gather together once a year and it’s great to see everyone and really take time to touch base with God out of our daily hectic schedule. But, honesty, church camps are not the most relaxing things in terms of physical rest! There’s so much going on: constant concerts, catching up with friends you saw a year before (having some really deep conversations, I love how people are so willing to open up) and there’s also lots of sports activity areas as well. I’m a bit of an introvert so it all gets a bit much and by the end of it I just want another holiday! Lol. So the boyfriend and I are in Amsterdam for the next 3 days, yay. What a difference huh!


Considering the amount of time I spend on a plane, I really don’t do enough travel posts, so am making use of free wifi at Amsterdam Schipol airport (gotta love free wifi overseas! It’s so useful at an airport especially).

So for this trip I really wanted to keep it light, we’re travelling budget so we don’t have a check in baggage, so all liquids we carry have to be under 100ml and in our hand carry. These aren’t all the liquids I brought with me, just what I like handy on a plane.

1) Tissues – something I try to always have on me, either that or wet wipes.

2) Hand Sanitiser – ditto as above, this Bodyshop Grapefruit one I got in the sale I posted about before, gotta love the zesty scent!

3) Concealer – 17’s Phroarr Paint, a great budget concealer that’s high coverage and has a handy little mirror in it, I always keep it in my handbag for that reason. I don’t wear makeup on the flight (it’s dry enough as it is on flights) but I might put on some concealer and at most a slick of lip tint before it lands). Full review of this to come soon if I’m good!

4) Lip Balm – another I always have on me (how boring is this turning out to be??) this is a Dr Organic one from the latest BBB box, it has argan oil, avocado and spf, so moisturising and great for day time. Also smells like marzipan, very tempting.

5) Oil Blotters – I keep those on me usually as well as I’ve quite an oily complexion, I tend to use these to blot and freshen up just before I leave the plane. These are some Clean and Clear ones but I do find that both cheap and pricey brands work equally well when it comes to blotters.

6) Sweets/Gum – I don’t usually have these on me but more for the boyfriend when we’re flying I try to have either or both, it really helps the ears ‘pop’ when the plane is ascending or descending. These are Fisherman’s Friend Citrus, very menthol and fresh! Great as a breath mint too.

7) The Bag – from Paperchase, I love it it’s beautiful, received it from a friend a few years back now (she’d put some pretty makeup items in it so it was a sort of package) and while I’m sure it’s meant to be a pencil case I’ve used it as a makeup pouch, a jewellery holder, random items purse etc etc. only downside is that it is made of cloth so could stain easily.

Well that’s it! I do tend to have more face and hair mask/treatment bits and bobs if I’m on a long haul flight but for short hour or three flights this is pretty much what’s on my handy makeup and beauty bag. Obviously I also have things like my passport, earphones, phone and portable charger with me. Although you know what, both my boyfriend and I forgot a travel adapter this time!!! It’s going to be a test of seeing how long our portable chargers can last us and how much we can stay off our phones… Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise?

Let me know what you usually carry on your flights! =)


Bargain Alert – The BBB Dream Box 2

Hello Everyone!

I know it’s been absolutely ages, I’ve been totally swamped with work the last 2 to 3 months (which including producing a couple of productions/films and a whole festival) which is finally winding down a little now. I’m definitely looking forward to a couple of holidays planned over the Christmas period before busy times kick off again in January.

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There weren’t many great deals in the first half of summer to be honest but perhaps I had been too busy to properly keep an eye on things! I’ve seen some great bargains and freebies around lately though which have made me itch a little to blog again, butĀ thanks to the procrastination bug and a truck-ton of guilt thrown in I couldn’t really bring myself to update this blog (crazy right?) until I saw a bargain that I’ve been waiting months for and that is just too good not to share – the BritishBeautyBlogger Dream Box 2!

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Some Sales Ending Today – Dorothy Perkins and Kiko Milano

Happy Weekend Lovelies!

Seems another summer has flown by, come Monday it’ll be September the first which is officially Autumn I’d say. While I don’t actually like the heat (hate it, to be honest!) I do really love the longer days and I always miss it when the days start getting shorter again *le sigh*. The one good thing about summer leaving though is the end of summer sales (now also officially winding down!) and amazing Autumn lines coming out, I probably love Autumn clothes over anything else!

First up, we have Dorothy Perkins’ Final Clearance, ending midnight today.

Final Clearances are always a bit of a hit and miss with me, on the one hand sometimes things are left there for a reason, and also it’s nigh impossible to find your size and it’s always about whether you’re lucky enough to have the item you want in the size you need it to be. But on the flip side, you get amazing discount perks, such as the extra 15% off that DP are adding toĀ everything in their final clearance, which is amazing! If you fancy your chances at finding a steal, have a rummage through their sale here.

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