Day in Bath + Quick lil deal alert: £2.50 Helen E Lipsticks

Hello everyone!

Am writing this on my phone with the WordPress app, am not really sure how I like it but if there’s one thing I can do well it’s typing extremely fast (both on a keyboard and a keypad) so it’s not much more inconvenient to me than my laptop =)

The main reason why I’m experimenting with blogging on my phone today is because I’m traveling to Paris and Lisbon next week and won’t be able to bring my laptop. I’m going to schedule a week’s worth of posts anyway but thought it’s also be nice to have the option of blogging live updates since I’m there! If this post doesn’t actually look terrible then I might give it a whirl next week in Paris.

By the way, I’m currently on a train coming back from Bath (although by the time you read this it’ll be the next day), where we went especially to visit the Fashion Museum. I feel I’ve learnt a lot more about the history of fashion lately… Thanks to my BA in English I already knew quite a bit about 18th century fashions (don’t see the link? Try reading a chapter of Jane Austen that doesn’t allude at least once to a feminine article of clothing that sounds both mysterious and un-clothing-like to modern ears) but was quite ignorant about the more subtle trends of contemporary fashion so these few days have been a treat!

Will definitely be writing a post all about my lovely fashion learnings recently, for now here’s a taster look at the strange and wondrous things that women wore under their skirts in the mid 1850’s….


Yes, that’s me modeling a crinoline (still too shy to show my face on here obviously!), I’m wearing a striped dress underneath and I think it goes surprisingly well with it! It seems like I’m wearing some sort of art-deco outfit. These were what women used to wear under their skirts and these were already lighter than the old-fashioned method of wearing wire cages or layers of petticoats!

And now for today’s deal alert, sorry it’s taken so long to get to it but I hope the above was at least a little fun to read =)

Remember how some time ago I posted a Helen E cosmetics promotion where with a discount code from their Facebook page you could order one of their nail lacquers online for absolutely free? You just had to pay for the £2.50 postage! Well, it’s back! But this time for lipsticks!

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